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The Best Yoga Practices for Women

Writer's picture: AngelaAngela

For us females, its best to practice these poses with nothing restricting our range of motion or our skins breathability. Preferably in the privacy of your home where you're able to be comfortable in your undergarments, or naked, allowing for full benefits.

Strong breath work is the most beneficial for these exercises. So, don't forget to fully breathe through these poses. If you can take in a scent by using a diffuser of essential oils, this will add to the benefit. Keep your diffuser near you, allowing your largest organ, your skin, to help you fully breathe. Going forward, we will be looking at each pose in a raw state to understand the body's form, what the benefits are, and how to properly do them.


Fierce Pose

Stretches spine; strengthens quadriceps, ankles, back

1. Stepping your feet hip-width apart, spread through your toes to create a stable base. As you raise your arms to the sky, palms facing each another, bend your knees and sit your buttocks back as though you were sitting into a chair.

2. Draw your abdomen in to eliminate any curving in the lower back. Put all your weight into your heels and be sure your knees do not extend past your toes. Hold for 5 deep breaths in and out through the nose. Rest for one minute. Repeat.

Why it is good for you

This pose is injury insurance, strengthening quadriceps, which provides stronger support around your knees, making them less prone to injury. Fierce pose also improves posture.


Tree Pose

Stretches hips, inner thighs; strengthens legs, spine, core

1. Stand with your legs and feet together, hands on hips. Transfer weight to your left foot as you bend the right knee and place the sole of the right foot on the inside of your left leg (beginners start at the ankle; more advanced yogis, raise the right foot to the inside of the left thigh). Gently press the right foot against the left leg.

2. Bring the palms of your hands together in front of the heart in prayer pose. Hold for 1 minute on each side. More advanced yogis: Raise your arms straight directly overhead, palms facing in.

Why it is good for you

On days when your mind feels scattered, practice this pose to get centered.


Garland Pose

Stretches low back, groin, hips, ankles

1. Stand with feet slightly wider that hip-width. Bring the palms of your hands together in front of your heart in prayer pose. Turn toes out slightly.

2. Deeply bend the knees, squatting down between your legs. Keeping palms together, gently press your elbows to the insides of your knees, opening up the hips. Keep the spine long, chest open. Feel tension in the lower back begin to melt away. Hold for at least 1 minute.

Why it is good for you

Drop into this squat to relieve tummy troubles like constipation and cramps.


Boat Pose

Strengthens core, psoas, quadriceps

1. Sit with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Lean back slightly so you're balancing on your sit bones. Raise your legs so shins are parallel to the floor, knees bent.

2. Extend arms forward, parallel with the floor, palms facing each other. Keeping your chest high and your core engaged, begin to straighten your legs. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat 5 times.

Why it is good for you

Boat a bulletproof core without straining your neck like crunches do. Because you're strongly activating your core with this pose, breathe through your nostrils and out your mouth. Set your bodies intention to breathe through your skin. If you're advanced, try balancing on your lower back and butt, holding your arms straight out in front of you.


Bridge Pose

Stretches front of body; strengthens hamstrings, glutes

1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart. Toes point straight to the wall in front of you. Place arms straight along your sides, palms down.

2. Gently press into your feet as you raise hips to the sky. Allow yourself to open in this pose, relaxing what muscles you can while maintaining this pose. Allow the front of your body to slowly expand with each breath. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Repeat 3 times.

Why it is good for you

Bridge opens the chest and ribcage, deepening the breath and with more oxygen you can reenergize the body. There are a few ways to do the bridge pose. You can do the beginners way, which is very beneficial. But if you are advanced, try the third pose as demonstrated in our image.


Half Lord Of the Fishes

Stretches hips, shoulders, back, neck; strengthens spine

1. Sit on the floor with legs outstretched in front of you. Bring the sole of the right foot on the floor outside of the left hip (right knee points to the ceiling).

2. Bend the left knee and bring the left foot to the outside of the right hip. Place right hand on the floor just behind your right hip. Lift your left arm to the ceiling. As you exhale, bend the left arm and place the left elbow to the outside of your right knee.

3. Lengthen your spine with each inhale and twist deeper with each exhale. Press the left elbow into your right leg to help revolve the upper body more and more. Look to the wall behind you. Hold for 5 to 10 deep breaths. Repeat on the opposite side.

Why it is good for you

This pose massages improves digestion and increase blood flow in the low belly and eventually your outer and inner thighs.


Cat - Cow Pose

Stretches hips, shoulders, back, neck; strengthens spine

1. Begin by placing your palms and your knees on the floor. Make sure your legs are not touching, but rather spread apart.

2. Gently begin to let your belly hang and your but to expand outward and up. You may feel that you are exposing your backend with this gesture. It should feel this way. Feel free to even lift your feet from the floor, pointing your toes for a full stretch. Hold this for 10 - 15 seconds.

3. Next, arch your back, bringing your pelvis in toward you and tucking in your tailbone. Imagine you were exposing your backend with the previous pose, and this one you would be working to almost hide it. But keep your knees separated.

Why it is good for you

This pose is very beneficial for your entire back, your inner and outer thighs, and also allows for excellent blood flow throughout your body.


If you'd like, finish the routine by relaxing in a ten minute hot to warm shower. If this is done in the morning before starting your day, you'll have all the perfect start. If you perform this routine before bed, dry off, and climb in your bed just as you are to continue your best sleep practices.

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