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Writer's pictureAngela

The Hidden Power of Water

Updated: 4 days ago

We've all heard the saying, 'water is life'. And without stating the obvious, we know that to be true. We need water to live. If we don't drink water, we will die. If we drink water but don't get enough of it, we may not function properly. Our organic machine thrives on getting enough water. Our largest organ, our skin, needs hydration that water based solutions can provide. The truth is, beyond the basics, Water has a hidden power.

Doctor Masaru Emoto studied the hidden message in water. His first book, The Hidden Messages in Water told about his discovery that crystals formed in frozen water revealed changes when specific, concentrated thoughts were directed toward them. He also found that water from clear springs, and water that has been exposed to loving words showed brilliant, complex and colorful snowflake patterns. In contrast, polluted water, or water exposed to negativity, harmful, thoughtless, and unloving words, formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

In the prologue, he touches on how are lives are so chaotic and full of suffering no matter where we may live in the world. And whether we live in a jungle or an urban jungle, we all have one thing in common. Our bodies are made up generally of 70% water. When we start out as fetuses, we are 99% water, and when we're born we are 90%. Next, as we grow, we go down to 70%. He goes on to tell us that if we die of old age, we die at 50% water capacity.

One thing is for certain for us all; we live most of our lives as water.

Doctor Masaru Emoto exposed music, words, and language to water and how it crystalized into geometry.

From a physical perspective, humans are water. When you realize this and begin looking at the world from this perspective, you will begin to see things a whole new way.

To begin, bring yourself to realize this truth; the connection to water applies to all people, no matter who you are. Water is something we all are, and all need. Therefore, what is about to be said applies to everyone, all over the world. The way people should live their lives is not how they are living. How many people live happy healthy lives? The answer is to purify the water that makes up 70 percent of your body, and I'm not talking about the water you drink.

Water in a river remains pure because it is moving. When water becomes trapped, it dies.

Therefore, water must constantly be circulating and ever flowing. The water⏤or blood⏤in the bodies of the sick is usually stagnant. When blood stops flowing, the body starts to decay, and if the blood in your brain stops, it can be life threatening.

But why would your blood become stagnant? We can see this condition as the stagnation of the emotions. Modern researchers have shown that the condition of the mind has a direct impact on the condition of the body. When you are living a full and enjoyable life, you feel better physically, and when your life is filled with struggles and sorrow, your body knows it. You become a depressed, anxious shell of a person. Nothing internal has movement. So, when your emotions flow throughout your body, you feel a sense of joy and you move towards physical health.

Moving, changing, flowing⏤this is what real life is.

If we consider that before we became human beings, we only existed as water, we get closer to finding the answer to the basic question of what a human being is. If we have a better understanding of water, we will better understand the human body, and even unlock the mystery of why we exist as we do; that like water, you are not meaningless even if you are sad.

Just what is water? Your first answer might be that it is a life force. If we lose 50% of the water in our bodies, we can no longer maintain life. Water, carried by blood and bodily fluids, is the means by which nourishment is circulated throughout our bodies. This is how you came to be. Your father's fluid was carried through your mother's fluid and you began as water in an egg. This flow of water enables us to live active lives, active enough for sexual reproduction. 70% of your water can actively engage with 70% of another to reproduce. Water serves as the transporter of energy throughout our body.

This transport of energy is similar to a freight car that moves throughout the body. If the body is clogged and soiled, then the cargo in the freight car will also become filthy, and so it is essential that water always remain clean.

"The water you are made of contains your history, and it can be read."

More now than in the past, the medical community has began to see water as a transporter of energy, and it is even being used in the treatment of illness. Homeopathy is one such field where the value of water is recognized.

Homeopathy originated in Germany in the first half of the nineteenth century with the work of Samuel Hahnemann (1791-1843), but its roots go back to the father of medicine, Hippocrates (c. 460—c. 370 BC), who wrote down many treatments similar to those promoted by homeopathy. In a word, these pioneers of medicine taught us to “treat like with like, fight poison with poison.”

For example, if someone is suffering from lead poisoning, symptoms can be alleviated by drinking water with the minutest amount of lead in it—an amount ranging 1 part in 1012 (one trillion) to 1 part in 10400! At this level, the matter no longer for practical purposes remains in the water, but the characteristics of the matter do remain, and this forms the medicine for treating lead poisoning. Homeopathy proposes that the greater the dilution, the greater the effectiveness. The logical conclusion is that the denser the poison in the body, the higher should be the dilution ratio. Another way to express this idea is that, instead of the effect of the matter being used to get rid of the symptoms, the information copied to the water is being used to cancel out the information of the symptoms from the poison. So water has the ability to copy and memorize information. We may also say that the water of the oceans has memories of the creatures that live in the ocean. The earth’s glaciers may well contain millions of years of the planet’s history.

Water circulates around the Earth, flowing through our bodies and spreading to the rest of the world. If we were capable of reading this information contained in the memory of water, we would read a story of epic proportions. To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature, and life itself.

The realization that water has the ability to copy information can change your life. After making this discovery in America, Doctor Emoto brought it back to Japan, and used the information⏤copying the function of water to help people recover their health. At that time, however, doctors did not even consider the possibility that water by itself had healing capabilities. Unfazed, Emoto was fully convinced that water was able to memorize and transport information. However, this suggestion had been met with complete rejection by the medical community.

In 1988, the French scientist Jacques Benveniste undertook an experiment to test the basic principles of homeopathy. He diluted a medicine with water to the point where the medicine was no longer detectable by clinical means, and then he discovered that this dilution had the same effect on patients as the undiluted medicine.

A year after he submitted his results to the British scientific journal of Nature, they were finally published, along with the comment that the results of the experiment were doubtful and without any physical proof. The hypothesis has remained buried and forgotten ever since.

Whenever someone comes along with research and experiments that turn the scientific community on its ear, the reaction, to one degree or another, is usually the same. It remains possible to find physical evidence of the ability of water to memorize information—and you can see it with the physical eye. Like the saying, "water is life," there is another, “No two snow crystals are exactly the same.”

Water has memory & shape

Water has memory and we can see it. I remind the reader, Doctor Masaru Emoto proved that thoughts and emotions can change the shape of water. Our bodies are made of 70% water. If our surrounding water has been affected by negative emotions and energy, chances are that 70% of ourselves will always feel negative, or sick. With this knowledge, I say that it's past time we heal ourselves. Knowing how your entire makeup is effected, you may want to reevaluate what you are allowing into your life?

Doctor Emoto showed that when you speak loving words to water as it drops on a cold stone, the water takes a beautiful, symmetrical shape. However, speaking harmful, unloving words around the water, even playing debased music such as death metal, causes it to take no symmetrical shape on the cold stone. It essentially becomes negative water; it becomes dead water, stagnant, formless, desolate⏤devoid of life.

Seventy percent of our makeup is influenced by the water we're in.

What does this experiment tell us? We can become damaged by negative thoughts an emotions. These thoughts, words and emotions don't have to come from others. These can be internalized words and feelings. If 70% of our makeup is influenced by negativity we are causing our water to stop flowing. It becomes stagnant. On the other hand, someone else could use words and negative emotions to damage our makeup; our water. How can we heal from this?

Let's consider the healing power of the ocean, or salt water in general. The ocean has been proven to be therapeutic and healing to a damaged individual. The ocean can not only heal physical cuts with salt, but it has the ability to trigger a deep psychological state of calm and contentment. It can literally wash away the pain.

Perhaps you were surrounded by stagnant water for so long that by the time you got out you couldn't walk correctly. You're stiff, and like water, you are uncertain how to flow. This could be internal, but it could also be physical. When beginning yoga, begin slowly, like a slow and steady stream. Also, water yoga can help. Step into a shallow pool, stream, or lake and make small moves. For relaxation and freeing yourself of stress and anxiety, the ocean can cause you to feel light, almost weightless. It's like a hand holding you up and giving you guidance until the deformity caused by dead water can heal you. The ocean waves can also smack us into shape as a way of readjusting our crooked mental state; our crooked physical state.

We, us, you and I, need to heal our water. The water inside our body might not be flowing. Our makeup may be asymmetrical; disoriented. HEAL YOUR MAKEUP! HEAL YOUR MESS! AIRATE YOUR WATER!

Remove anything that makes you feel negative, even if it's your own thoughts. Work on ways to make sure your water doesn't become poisoned. Make sure your water continues to flow. Our bodies are our temples. Imagine having a beautiful structure, we will use the Taj Mahal as an example, and someone came in and began to graffiti the inside with terrible words and phrases. After that, they took a hammer to the inner walls. I don't think I need to finish this thought through as you no doubt get the point.

Your body needs to flow⏤let it.

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